It seemed like it rained almost every day in Düsseldorf during August, so I felt I needed to have a contingency plan for my event at Jacobigarten in Malkasten. Otherwise I was afraid that my guests might not walk through the garden to experience my work.
I have therefore decided to provide some kind of "weatherproofing" for everyone. I've narrowed the possibilities down to ponchos or umbrellas. But I've not been sure if they should be clear or pink. Some men have told me they wouldn't wear the pink poncho, but they think they would carry a pink umbrella. My decision has been made even more difficult because I have learned that a previous Guest Artist in Düsseldorf, Trixi Weis, also used umbrellas in her work in the garden at Malkasten.
Over the last week I have therefore been considering the question of pink ponchos and umbrellas very seriously. I don't want to appear to be imitating Trixi Weis's work and stealing her ideas! (There is always such pressure about not doing what other artists have done). I have seen photographs of her event as well as one of the actual umbrellas. I've also tried to learn about her ideas behind the work.
I have concluded that I should go ahead with pink umbrellas. So I've made the order and finally feel relieved to be free of this question.